Kaypro Ultra Bleach No Yellow - bleaching up to 10 shades lighter - 500 g

⭐ A non - yellow, non - volatille bleaching powder containing oligosaccaride beta d-fructose, providing the hair with a high degree of protection, bleaching by up to 10 shades lighter!
⭐ Contains unique powder formula, which enables maximum lightening while allowing the hair to keep its natural shine and integrity.
⭐ Suitable for use with all bleaching techniques.
Use: mixing ratio 1:2 / oxidant 10vol (3%) - 20vol (6%) - 30vol (9%) - 40vol. (12%). With a starting tone level of 4, it will lighten by up to 5-6 shade with a leave-in time of 45 minutes, and can lighten up to 9-9 shade with a leave time of 90 minutes at room temarature of 20 C, or up to 10 shades with a leave-in time of 90 minutes by applying moderate heat at 37-39 C (body temperature). Rince with copious amount of warm water after bleaching.
WARNING: Wear suitable gloves during application.
Apply the product to the root area. Avoid contact between the skin and eyes with the bleaching emulsion. Avoid wearing contact lenses. In case of contact with eyes rinse with lukewarm water and consult a doctor.